TMA-AVS-01 Alarm Validation Standard Receives ANSI Accreditation
McLean, VA – The Monitoring Association (TMA) Standards Committee has received confirmation that its TMA-AVS-01 Alarm Validation Standard has received official ANSI accreditation. Initiated in 2020, the standard provides a method of creating an alarm scoring or classification metric for unauthorized human activity detected by alarm systems. The alarm scoring will assist law enforcement with resource allocation and Call-for-Service prioritization. The standard is available for download . “I am extremely proud of the Committee’s work to bring this game-changing standard to completion. My sincere thanks to those in the security industry and the public safety community who participated in this collaboration,” TMA-AVS-01 Committee Chair Mark McCall commented. “Now begins the equally important work of implementing this standard into both communities, bringing significant benefits to both and to our mutual customers.” The TMA-AVS-01 Standard Committee was composed of more than 60 participan...